Friday, March 30, 2007

Prayer List

There are so many people I say prayers for on a daily basis - I feel bad when every day I write about myself and don't ever say anything about them. So, I decided to start this separate blog for my prayer list to both keep me focused on who I am praying for and to perhaps engage others on their behalf. I will add to this list as I think of people.
If you want to publish people you are praying for, please put them in the comment area. There is something very solid and comforting in the printed word.

Prayers for Health
Roy C - complications from illness and age
Melanie's 7 year old nephew, Bret - leukemia
Denise - had a kidney transplant
Morgan - kidneys removed - this is a young child - waiting for Kidney transplant
Piper - caring for Morgan & brother Ethan
Carol - effects from past cancer treatments
John - prostate cancer surgery
Junior - ALS
Carolyn - side effects of throat cancer treatments / back
Dorothy - (my mom) future knee surgery - Surgery pending. Prayers for a doctor that can give her some relief from pain and infection.
Joyce - heart concerns
Aunts and Uncles - facing problems of aging
Aunt Evelyn - that cancer treatments continue to have mild side effects
Stephanie - breast cancer mets
Terri - breast cancer
Gina - breast cancer
All bc sisters on
Rick C - prostate cancer
Maria - cancer
Sharon A's mom (cancer)
Annette - Pulmonary Hypertension - a lung disease
Anne Shaughnessy - colon cancer stage 4
Sharon B's mom - failing health - lung related
Jo (Sharon's coworker) - cancer
Lynne E's mom
Dee S's mom/dad

Other Prayers
Prayers for world leaders to make Godly decisions concerning the war
For Peace and comfort for the Bronstad family
God's plan for Max in the way of a job

The many blessings given each day
God's steadfastness in times of trial
Many supportive friends and family
Health providers
Chemo and medical advancements

Kaitlin began her new job in KC!
Greg starts his new pt job at NFM!
Ann S's cancer is in remission!


Melanie D. said...

What a good idea! Love it! You know the whole full bucket thing we watched last year at Qwest - you will get this back ten-fold.

Stephanie said...

I'm so blessed to be your friend. Thank you for being mine. The Prayers of the rightoues availeth much!God is able, Stephanie

Rosebud said...

You are super duper. I wish I could give ya a hug..rosebud

slbair said...

I have a friend named Jo who has had 4 cancer surgeries in the past 4 years and now has another spot on her lung. She is the Executive Director at Families First where I volunteer and is resigning although she will be working there part time. She is a special person and I am adding her to my prayer list.

Mimi in the Midwest said...


You can add Little Bret. I call him that because I have a 29 year old son named Brett. Some day I'll have to change to middle sized Bret and then Big Bret. I guess I could call him Bret with one "t" but that's kinda lame. Our church and BIB family are praying for the whole family. It's so sad when a young child is ill. A different sad than an adult. I think I feel that way because adults can choose their treatments but children just have to take what the adults in their life choose. That's all!!! Love, Mama